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Kotter’s 8-Step change model, explained
Eight steps to lead a team through an important change.

The Gibbs Reflective Cycle, explained
A six-stage process for answering the all-important question: "what on earth just happened?"

The Five Forms of Power, explained
The core dynamics of why some people get to tell other people what to do.

Locke’s goal-setting theory, explained
Discover the five factors that make a goal more motivating to strive for.

Plan, do, check, act – the PDCA cycle
Test your ideas with a short experiment before rolling them out more widely.

The MoSCoW prioritisation model, explained
Prioritise your work by deciding what a new product or process must, should, could and won't have.

Stakeholder mapping, explained
Develop a strategy for managing stakeholders informed by their level of power, perspective and engagement.

The ‘directly responsible individual’ – or DRI – explained
If something important needs to get done, make sure a specific person is responsible for it.

The TOWS matrix, explained
Turn your SWOT analysis into tangible strategic options, using the TOWS matrix to guide your brainstorm.

The SWOT analysis, explained
Learn to capture your strengths and weaknesses, and identify opportunities and threats, as a foundation to you strategy.

What are the 5 P’s for strategy?
Is your strategy a plan, ploy, pattern, position, or perspective – or maybe all of the above? Understand this key framework to sharpen your strategic skills.

What is psychological safety?
The right safety gear can enable climbers to take on more intimidating ascents – psychological safety empowers staff to take on important and challenging work.

The change curve, explained
Learn how the Kubler-Ross change curve, originally conceived to characterise grief, can help managers lead change at their organisation.

Using ‘Ikigai’ to reflect on your work
Discover the meaning of Ikigai, how your work sits on the Ikigai chart – and how to pronounce it, of course!

The Johari window, explained
Take a look through this window and you might just increase your self-awareness.

Navigating the ‘comfort, stretch, and panic zones’ at work
We learn best when we step outside of our comfort zone – but whatever you do, don’t panic!

VUCA: volatility, uncertainty, complexity & ambiguity
How to get work done – and lead a team – when things are ever-so-slightly confusing (i.e. always)

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, explained
A classic psychological, motivational theory of five core needs that drive human behaviour.