Training for science and technology companies.
‘Our trainer was fab.’
Attendee, Emotional Intelligence
Empower your staff to collaborate on making real breakthorughs.
Our live, two-hour training sessions – just for you and your colleagues – develop workplace and leadership skills that support collaboration, communication and output.
Whether you’re engineering at the frontier of hard tech, building the digital platforms of tomorrow or coding a blockbuster AAA game, we upgrade the soft skills tech teams need to solve hard problems.
‘Much better than other courses I've been on.’
Attendee, Project Management
‘Incredibly helpful.’
Attendee, Managing Upwards

Invent the future, faster.
We design & deliver memorable live training sessions to help your staff co-ordinate effectively, communicate with candour and support one another’s wellbeing.
Bring us in to run a single bitesize course at your workplace, away day or training event. Or schedule a series, and offer a rich calendar of learning opportunities at your workplace.
Or build your own talent academy for cohorts of learners, and let us develop your people over several months.
Each of our bitesize training courses is a carefully-crafted two-hour experience, focused on a particular issue or learning need.
Hosted exclusively for employees at your organisation, and delivered by experts, our sessions are full of interactive exercises and discussion, developing knowledge, confidence and shared commitment among attendees.
Gather your delegates at your workplace or meeting venue for live, in-person training – we’ll come to you.
Working as a global group? Train your team leaders from Jersey to Jakarta in our geography-busting virtual sessions, using Zoom, Teams or your company’s choice of video platform. Still live and interactive –and just as glowingly-reviewed.
Our training specialists have honed our content to deliver the skills uplift you’re looking for. Go deeper than skimmable e-learning with memorable, actionable tactics that make a real difference to delegates’ working lives.
We listen deeply to understand your organisation’s learning needs.
You’ll always be able to speak with our facilitators before the training, so we can connect our material to the way your workplace works. And if you need a training design that’s uniquely yours, we can help with that too.
Training courses for tech managers.
Technology leaders often acquire their first management responsibilities thanks to their technical prowess. But they then face a challenge thornier than any codebase: co-ordinating other humans.
We help develop leadership confidence and skills in managers across the tech industry. Our focus is on providing straightforward, easy-to-apply frameworks that they can immediately employ to tackle the challenges of management: inspiring their teams, solving team problems and taking care of their staff.
As an L&D manager, you can choose from over 20 bitesize training courses to meet their precise learning needs, and deploy them individually – or as part of a longer leadership programme.
Modules include:
…and 15 more.
‘This course really helped me understand what I need to do as a manager.’
Attendee, Managing for Mental Health ★★★★★
Training to develop staff impact throughout their career in tech.
Opportunities to grow and develop are crucial for employees at every level of your organisation.
Our suite of training courses in effectiveness, communication, sales and hybrid working deliver actionable tactics that can provide benefit throughout an attendee’s entire career. How’s that for ROI?
It’s everything we wish we’d know from the start of our careers. Popular courses include:
… and over 20 more sessions to inspire your people. Help drive results, prepare employees for upcoming challenges, and nurture the next generation of talent within your organisation.
“Our instructor was brilliant. She was very patient and engaging, she drew out everything people were saying very well.”
Attendee, Time Management ★★★★★
Diversity & wellbeing training for tech companies
Any organisation seeking innovative solutions needs to host a diverse range of talents and perspectives. And yet, current inequalities in the tech sector, especially in the STEM recruiting pipeline, are no secret. So the opportunity to reflect openly on matters of diversity and inclusion – and then take confident, open-hearted action – could offer great benefits both to your team and to the industry as a whole. Our D&I training provides a great foundation in building a respectful, welcoming and equal workplace.
Meanwhile, the ambition, pace and intensity of the tech sector can easily lead to high levels of stress. Our wellbeing & mental health training is aimed to empower staff, at both manager and junior levels, to protect their own equilibrium under pressure, and support colleagues around them who may need help.
…and many more.
"Our trainer was a force of nature, positive with a huge knowledge of D&I issues and our specific industry."
Attendee, Diversity & Inclusion ★★★★★
1:1 coaching conversations that inspire action.
Give your staff access to our empathetic, empowering coaching service, and we’ll help help them navigate workplace challenges, master new responsibilities, or seize emerging opportunities.
Our team of experienced accredited coaches work with individuals and groups for thoughtful discussions that help your people confidently take their next steps.
The impact can be huge. Let’s talk about it!
Whether you’re building a SaaS or a spaceship, we can help make work work better.
“We run a complex operational and logistic programme to support environmental science across the polar regions, and employ a diverse group of people – ranging from scientists and accountants to chefs and divers. We’ve been working with BiteSize Learning for over two years now, and are delighted with their service.”
Mariella Giancola, British Antarctic Service
Popular training courses for staff at science & technology companies
1. Presentation skills →
Communicate key messages memorably - with less stress
2. Inspiring career conversations →
Empower staff to build meaningful career progression plans
3. Inclusive recruitment →
Expand and refine hiring approaches to identify overlooked talent
4. Performance management →
Defend standards, coach developing staff and secure commitment
5. Making hybrid meetings work →
Collaborate effectively with remote & distributed teams
Leadership & management
Building and leading teams
Coaching skills
Inspirational leadership
Inspiring career conversations
Introduction to employment law
Leadership styles
Managing change
Managing difficult conversations
Managing friends
Motivating others
Performance management
Recruitment interviewing
Running meetings
Strategic thinking
Thinking as a manager
Personal effectiveness
Business skills toolbox
Creative problem solving
Customer service
Effective minute taking
Effective networking
Emotional intelligence
Making the most of meetings
Maximising your personal impact
Memory skills
Proactively managing your career
Project management
Stakeholder management
Success through change
Successful teamwork
Time management
Remote & hybrid
Effective hybrid working
Making hybrid meetings work
Managing hybrid teams
Presenting in a hybrid world
Wellbeing in a hybrid world
Diversity, equity & inclusion
Diversity & Inclusion essentials
Inclusive communication
Inclusive leadership
Inclusive recruitment
Introduction to neurodiversity
Respect at work
Unconscious bias
Resilience: background and basics
Building mental resilience
Building physical resilience
Managing for mental health
Mental health awareness
Mental health first aid (2 days)
MHFA refresher
Mindfulness at work
Assertiveness in communication
Building trust & rapport
Giving & receiving feedback
Infuencing & persuasion
Managing upwards
Negotiation skills
Presentation skills (1 day)
Thinking on your feet
Writing for impact
Consultative selling
Establishing the need
Influencing & Persuasion in sales
Key account management
Networking & referrals
Objection handling
Procurement training
Proposal writing
Selling the value
Selling to the C-Suite
Our full list of bitesize training courses
Designed for impact. Delivered by experts. Custom courses also available, on request.
Let’s hop on a call.
To learn more about what we do, discuss pricing, and get free advice on how training can best solve your problems, get in touch.
info@bitesizelearning.co.uk • 0845 123 3747