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training courses

Terrific, two-hour training sessions that develop managers at your workplace.

Leadership development & management training courses

We help develop confident, capable managers that lead teams to achieve amazing things.

Give managers at your organisation the training they deserve.

If you’re looking to develop management & leadership capacity in your team, let’s work together. Our carefully-designed curriculum of live, two-hour training sessions makes it easy to bring high-impact, expert-led learning into your workplace, targeted at your unique learning needs.

Optimised for groups of 4 – 15 managers, each bitesize training course is a highly interactive deep dive into a different facet of leadership, from inspiring teams to raising the bar on performance.

And while each session works perfectly in isolation, you can combine several, to provide staff with your very own in-house management development programme.

All our training courses address management challenges with memorable tactics, easy-to-apply frameworks and illuminating exercises – each one a powerful and permanent addition to the manager’s mental toolkit. Our experienced trainers deliver every course exclusively for attendees at your organisation, at your workplace or live online.

Popular management & leadership training courses

Our bitesize management training courses, from A-Z.

  • Building & leading great teams

    Understand how leaders can develop a team that makes the most of everyone’s strengths.

  • Coaching skills for managers

    Learn how line managers can unlock the potential of their teams, simply by asking the right questions.

  • Conflict resolution

    Diagnose, avoid and constructively resolve unhealthy conflicts in the workplace.

  • Delegation

    Overcome the barriers to delegating work, and learn how to keep things on track.

  • Leadership styles

    Develop a mix of management approaches and learn when to take charge, when to coach and when to delegate freely.

  • Inspirational leadership

    Powerful tactics for establishing credibility, creating clarity, engaging others and drawing contributions.

  • Inspiring career conversations

    Empower managers to design pathways for growth and development, that keep ambitious team members engaged.

  • Introduction to employment law

    Gain confidence in managing difficult issues and discover common risk areas where you might need more support.

  • Managing absence

    Learn to work sensitively with reports who take a leave of absence, including return to work.

  • Managing change

    Learn to lead a team through uncertain times and strategic shifts through communication, empathy and commitment.

  • Managing difficult conversations

    Gain confidence in calmly addressing conflicts and problems, through easy-to-use frameworks.

  • Mentoring

    All you need to know to form a strong and successful mentoring partnership.

  • Motivating others

    Identify others’ motivation levels, understand how different motivators impact different personalities, and learn what actions increase commitment.

  • Performance management

    Learn to drive performance through savvy target-setting and actionable feedback.

  • Recruitment interviewing

    Must-know dos + donts for any interviewer or hiring manager, plus reliable frameworks for assessing candidates fairly.

  • Strategic thinking

    Learn to rise above the day-to-day, manage your big picture plans effectively, and communicate with your team.

  • Thinking as a manager

    Gain a foundational management mindset, embrace accountability and reflect on what managing well really means.

Other bitesize training courses for managers

  • Wellbeing: Managing for resilience

    Key techniques for supporting and empowering staff during challenging or volatile circumstances.

  • Wellbeing: Managing for mental health

    This three-session programme educates managers in supporting mental health in their team and empathetically dealing with problems.

  • Hybrid & remote: Managing remote & hybrid teams

    How to stop things feeling all over the place, when your reports are all over the place.

  • Effectiveness: Project management

    A full-day introductory course to the fundamentals of steering more complex, long-term projects.

  • Sales: Sales management

    Fundamental principles of leading an ambitious, results-driven team of salespeople.

  • DEI: Inclusive leadership

    Important skills and perspectives on leading diverse teams and organisations that make everyone feel heard.

“The service was faultless from start to finish - it quite simply makes my life easy.”

Talent Manager, Insurance Company

“Working with BiteSize to organise our sessions and get set up has been extremely easy and smooth.”

Lucy Partner, Yoke

“The sessions are extremely engaging, and the team has been really accommodating to our needs.”

Learning & development, Zopa

Average attendee review score: 4.8 ★★★★★ out of 5

Management training made simple, the BiteSize way

We believe in bringing managers together for live, interactive experiences that get people sharing, talking and applying concepts to their professional challengers right away.

Each one of our two-hour ‘bitesize’ leadership training sessions is packed with useful concepts and actionable advice, while still fitting neatly into everyone’s working day.

  • Each session is delivered at your workplace (or remotely), exclusively for attendees at your organisation! We aren’t currently running ‘open’ sessions for individual attendees.

  • Yes! We can deliver our sessions via Zoom, Teams, or whichever video conferencing solution your organisation prefers.

  • Contact our customer success team for our full pricing list. Discounts are available for multi-course orders if you’re building your own programme.

  • All our sessions are designed as live experiences, and to encourage candid communication amongst attendees, so recording is not allowed without prior agreement.

  • Yes! We’re always keen to connect the learning in each session to the management challenges at your organisation.

    For deeper edits, we can also offer bespoke training customised to your team.

Video: the early challenges that inspired BiteSize Learning

"My flight or fight mechanism was triggered – and I hadn't listened at all. It's those moments when the emotion takes control and we don't do the things we thought we would if our rational brain was switched on."

In this video, BiteSize Learning founder Paul Hodder recounts a challenge from his very first week as an untrained manager. Encountering how his powerful reaction to uncertainty undermined his ability to respond confidently, it was the beginning of a career-long journey to discover more about the art of work, and ultimately founding BiteSize Learning to empower others to work better together.

Read more on management training in our library

Why training your managers matters.

For employees, managers are the ‘face’ of your organisation. Their manager sets expectations, provides (or denies) support, communicates strategy, resolves problems, and delivers feedback.

Weak or inexperienced line managers, however well-intentioned, can easily create a poor employment experience, which can have a significant impact on their subordinates’ engagement, wellbeing and attrition.

Domain expertise does not guarantee management success. The skills that makes someone a talented analyst, developer or designer do not automatically translate to line management.

While a new manager might be able to earn authority from their technical prowess or personal popularity, they will ultimately need to add new management-specific skills to their professional repertoire to fully thrive in their role.

Management experience is rarely acquired elsewhere. Someone’s early life experiences, academic studies and initial career rarely put us in positions of leadership or authority.

We also only have a limited pool of ‘role models’ to draw upon as we develop our own management persona. At the same time, management is too important a role to simply learn learn by making a lot of mistakes. Instead, appropriate training can save managers a lot of time – by allowing them to learn from other people’s mistakes instead!

Management training boosts internal mobility. Providing training in management & leadership development allows you to develop talent internally.

It provides a career growth pathway to junior employees, and gives you the confidence to elevate individual contributors into managers. It also develops a management function with a history of hands-on knowledge and front-line experience at your organisation, rather than devoting resources to making external hires for management experience, who are less familiar with your organisation’s work.

Management training reveals unknowns-unknowns. For many managers, it’s far from obvious what ‘soft’ skills are required to succeed in the role, or what their own skill gaps might be.

Genuine management challenges may appear to be an amorphous series of awkward discussions, crossed wires, or personality clashes. But decades of careful research have focused on exactly these issues, and generated powerful explanatory frameworks that identify the key dynamics at play, isolate their causes and suggest solutions. The models in our training courses are chosen to create lightbulb moments that make new leaders say: “Wow - I’d never thought of it that way, but that’s such a useful way of looking at it!”

Training your managers ensures consistent results across your organisation. Even experienced and high-performing managers may not fully understand ‘what they’re doing right’, or why their management style usually works… but sometimes doesn’t.

Our leadership development training aims to reveal the combination of approaches required for adaptable managers to lead in a variety of circumstances.

Recent reviews for our management training courses

  • "I found it extremely useful in a) holding a mirror up to who I am as manager based on my attributes and where I need to make personal improvements. I have also come away with some tangible actions that I a plan to include in my teams future ways of working."

  • "Very thought provoking. It made me think about how I work and the behaviours I'm role modelling when I feel under pressure, as that's how the people I manage will feel, too. The trainer was excellent and gave very good examples and conversation starters."

  • "Honestly, this course was really eye-opening for me, and it helped me understand what I need to do to look after myself, so I can be a better source of support as a manager. I was very impressed throughout and having an open forum like this was very helpful to understand where a lot of us stand within the business in regards to mental health management."

  • "Really informative, easy to follow and everyone was really friendly so I was comfortable taking part in discussions and getting my points across."

    Attendee, Delegation

  • "I really enjoyed the course and it has given me plenty of food for thought - thank you. Our trainer was very engaging & encouraging in her delivery and the pace was spot-on ie brisk, and informative. The content has certainly raised my awareness on what I need to do for my team and myself."

  • "Excellent course! I don't usually enjoy breakout sessions as I can find them quite intimidating – but the structure of the short break out sessions and the guidance topics made them easy and enjoyable!"

    Attendee, Mentoring

  • "I enjoyed the topic a lot, it was something that change my way of thinking when speaking to internal and external stakeholders. It was fun to be able to also watch something and then having to think about how to approach the situation, making me retain more info by immediately having to apply it."

  • "This session – and all the others – were very engaging. I knew each week that I would be hearing from others and participating in these side conversations, which I found very helpful. It never felt like a lecture, but more of a group chat with peers to bounce things off one another and share successes and failures."

    Attendee, Motivating Others

  • "Lots to think about that I hadn’t considered as much before. I especially liked the section on different social styles and how they work and work together. I found training incredibly useful for new managers"