Training courses → Management & leadership → Thinking as a manager
Training course: Thinking as a manager
Two hours • In-person or remote • 4-15 participants
Rated 4.7/5 ★★★★★ from 79 reviews
About this bitesize course
Thinking as a Manager helps participants understand and embrace the responsibilities of management.
The shift from individual contributor to manager is one of the biggest career transitions - and many struggle to find their leadership identity. This course helps attendees step confidently into their role, develop an authentic leadership style, and build the credibility they need to succeed.
It's a powerful, practical session for supporting first-time managers, those preparing for promotion, and more experienced managers looking to reflect and recalibrate their approach.
Attendees on the Thinking as a manager training course will learn to…
Understand the importance of accountability
Give themselves ‘permission to manage’
Identify the core ingredients of good management
Understand the existing relationship between themselves and the team
Develop their own core values as a foundation for decision-making
Identify some quick wins
Build a personal development strategy
Key details
this bitesize training course is two hours long and packed with powerful ideas to boost management performance
designed for groups of 4 – 15
delivered by an expert trainer at your UK workplace, or virtually
interactive, with plenty of exercises that get people talking
customisable, to connect with your organisation’s values

Attendee reviews for ‘Thinking as a manager’
“A great trainer who clearly is very passionate about what she does – and this really came through in the session. The session was well-paced, with plenty of time for group discussions – and everyone was listened to. There was no awkwardness (which there can often be with people not contributing) and everyone felt comfortable speaking out.“
“Our trainer was really engaging, the content wasn’t too technical or 'telling people what to do' but rather have an insight into the different types of people we all are as managers and employees and how to try and adapt. It felt refreshing and I learnt a lot which I will take forward.”
“Loved the format, really engaging and quick thinking. Nothing dragged out and it was great to interact with colleagues I haven’t met before.”
"Clear information delivered in an interesting and engaging way – thoroughly enjoyed this session!"
“Incredibly useful for new managers."
"Very informative, without being an overload of information."
"I was dubious before going on this course, but I found it extremely useful!
"Really engaging and thought provoking – I found it really helpful."
"Well presented, easy to understand and just the right length to keep my attention."
"The workshop was really interactive and engaged the whole team."
"An excellent course, and very helpful tools. Thanks so much."

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• Building & leading great teams
• Coaching skills for managers
• Conflict resolution
• Delegation
• Leadership styles
• Inspirational leadership
• Inspiring career conversations
• Introduction to employment law
• Managing absence
• Managing change
• Managing difficult conversations
• Mentoring
• Motivating others
• Performance management
• Recruitment interviewing
• Running meetings
• Strategic thinking
• Thinking as a manager
Training for new managers to make the most of their role.
The jump from team member to manager is one of the most challenging career transitions.
You might have recently promoted some high performers into management roles, or perhaps you're planning upcoming moves. Either way, you've likely seen how this transition can be bumpy - even for the most capable individuals.
A common path to management is through technical excellence or exceptional individual performance. You might have engineers who lead complex projects, salespeople who consistently exceed targets, or specialists who deeply understand your products or services. But management requires its own distinct skillset - one that often bears little resemblance to the capabilities that earned the promotion.
That’s why we so frequently meet highly talented individuals struggling with this shift, wondering why the approaches that made them successful as individual contributors aren't working in their new role. This training course for early career managers helps bridge that gap, providing a framework for thinking and acting as a manager rather than as a highly skilled individual performer.
It helps participants understand that being an effective manager isn't about being the best technical expert or the most productive team member - it's about enabling others to succeed, making sound decisions, and building an environment where their team can thrive.
We often find that new managers struggle with some predictable challenges. They might hesitate to give direct feedback to former peers, feel uncomfortable delegating work they used to do themselves, or struggle to balance operational tasks with people management. These aren't just teething problems - they can affect team performance and morale if not addressed early.
Our bitesize Thinking As A Manager training course helps people step into their management role with greater clarity and confidence. It's particularly valuable for first-time managers and those preparing for promotion, but also offers useful reflection for more experienced managers who want to refine their approach.
The session begins by addressing common management pitfalls and helping participants spot any unhelpful habits they might be developing. A key insight many attendees gain is what we call 'permission to manage' - understanding that it's not just okay, but essential, to step fully into their leadership role.
We explore authenticity in management style - helping participants identify their natural strengths and how to build on them, rather than trying to copy others' approaches. This includes looking at practical development opportunities they can pursue after the course.
One crucial concept we cover is the psychological contract - the unwritten expectations that exist between managers and their teams. Participants learn to understand and assess these expectations, which helps them navigate changing relationships with former peers and establish clear boundaries.
The course also focuses on how to develop a clear sense of team purpose and use this to guide decision-making. We look at ways to establish consistent patterns in their management approach, which helps build credibility with their team and other stakeholders.
By investing in this training, you're likely to see several practical benefits. New managers often become more confident in their decision-making and more comfortable having difficult conversations. Teams typically respond better to clearer expectations and consistent leadership behaviors. You might notice fewer instances of managers struggling with delegation or getting pulled back into operational tasks.
This investment in your new managers can help smooth the transition period, reduce the risk of early stumbles, and help capable individuals step more confidently into their leadership roles. Let's work together to give your new managers the foundation they need to succeed.
Video: what ‘crutches’do new managers lean on?
Because many new managers are promoted into their position without receiving additional training, they often rely on status, technical knowledge or likability to get things done.
In this video, Paul Hodder, BiteSize Learning founder and course designer of ‘Thinking as a Manager’, explains how our bitesize course empowers attendees to build a more durable foundation for their management responsibilities.
“Maximal learning in a short, but intense, session. This is definitely the way forward for management training, as far as I am concerned.”
Professor Niamh Moran, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland ★★★★★
Training made easy, the Bitesize way •
Training made easy, the Bitesize way •
All killer, no filler: our training sessions are crammed with high-value insights, and perfect for busy teams.
Live & interactive: real change doesn’t come from half-heartedly skimming through e-learning. We believe in bringing people together, to deliver memorable, engaging training experiences with learning that sticks.
Expert-led: all our sessions are designed + delivered by experienced specialists in L&D, HR and leadership coaching.